Taxation Services


Taxation Services

Governments impose taxes on individuals and organisations, to fund its various public expenditures, which can broadly be categorised into direct and indirect taxes.

Tax regulations bring compliance responsibility i.e. strict and complex reporting requirements which ultimately raises the cost of doing business.

Therefore, it’s important for companies to have a professional firm that can help them to comply with tax laws.


    • VAT registrations
    • VAT planning (VAT Savings)
    • VAT Return filing
    • Voluntary Disclosure filing
    • VAT Refund Application processing
    • VAT Deregistration
    • Corporate Tax Registration
    • Corporate Tax Impact Analysis (Tax Savings Plan)
    • Corporate Tax Return Filing
    • Custom clearance services
    • Assistance in custom audit
    • Compliance with custom regulation
    • Tax residence certificate (TRC) for individuals and entities
    • Excise Tax registration
    • Excise Return filing
    • Excise Products registration

why neom ?

    • Professionals advice at affordable fee
    • NEOM ensures to comply with the tax laws to avoid hassle and penalties
    • Tax planning to save taxes by identifying potential deductions and credits
    • Assisting organisations to keep their books and records in line with tax regulations
    • NEOM’s team of chartered accountants has proven its professionalism in Taxation Services

Want to know more about Taxation Services ?

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Compliance Services

Adhering to evolving local laws and regulations require continuous updating of compliance checklists to operate successfully in any country.

what others are saying ?


There team has been managing our accounting and taxation, auditing and financial planning in a very detailed, result oriented and professional manner. Would highly recommend them.

Tarun Gulati



NEOM’s team swiftly secured our VAT refunds from FTA and exhibited a highly professional approach in providing necessary documentation. Highly recommended.

M. Shourideh

Atlas Maritime Co. LLC


NEOM’s team established my free zone company within 48 hours, offering transparent dealings and no concealed charges, highly satisfied.

Abdul Gasim